Sunday, February 13, 2011


1) The Language Police Song - listen to the song and make a list of all the parts of speech you hear in the lyrics using post it notes (or "stickies" in MAC)

2) Watch ANY or ALL of the following videos and take the quiz (print result if possible or tell teacher your score)

3) Choose a part of speech to make a comic about it. Tell what the part names or modifies in a sentence and give examples.

1. Go to Make Beliefs Comix to create your comic strip.

2. Add a TITLE and your NAME.

3. Choose the number of panels you want to use.

4. Add your characters.

5. Add the Speech bubbles.

6. When you are done, click on NEXT.

7. Review your comic. Be sure to have used proper punctuation and that you have no spelling mistakes.
If everything is just the way you want it, click on PRINT.

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